

DJSER 地建师 2022-12-14

June Thematic








Urban Regeneration

■ No.012


The French construction company 'Jian Ye Li' housed the company's workers and their families on this site. The prestigious Jian Guo Road historic mixed-use development is driven by the comprehensive concept to create a modern international urban destination, promoting Shanghai's rich culture and diverse history. Hotel, serviced apartments, retail and restaurants comprise today's 'Capella Jian Ye Li' community.



建业里建筑群始建于20世纪30年代,因由法商中国建业地产公司(Foncière et Immobilière de Chine) 建造,故命名为“建业里”。占地约1.8万平方米,建筑总量为2.3万平方米,由前后22排2层砖木结构楼房组成,共分为东弄,中弄和西弄,是上海最大的石库门里弄建筑群。

The Jianyeli complex was built in the 1930s and was named "Jianyeli" because it was built by French business China Jianye Real Estate Company (Foncière et Immobilière de Chine). Covering an area of about 18,000 square meters, with a total area of 23,000 square meters, it consists of 22 rows of two-story brick-timbered buildings, divided into East Lane, Middle Lane and West Lane. It is the largest Shikumen Lane building complex in Shanghai.


Since the founding of the PRC, especially after the reform and opening up, although Jianyeli has undergone many repairs to varying degrees, most of the buildings still suffered structural damage, and the internal wooden structures were partially cracked and rotten. At the same time, they were overloaded for a long time. In the state of use, the living population in Lilong has increased from one building to a multi-family living. In addition, there is no sanitary equipment in the house, and its use status and functions are no longer suitable for the existing housing standards. During surveying and mapping, it was found that there are differences in the detailed design and construction technology between the east, the middle lanes and the west lanes. The east and middle lanes use simple herringbone gables, and the exterior walls are only set with simple feet, and the current situation does not match the drawings, many details were simplified compared to historical drawings at the beginning of construction. In addition to the distinctive horsehead wall, West Lane is much more delicate than East Lane in many details. The construction effect is basically the same as the drawings. Moreover, because the construction time is relatively late, the existing condition is also better than that of East Lane. East and Middle Lanes are ideal. Therefore, in view of the different historical values and architectural status quo between the west lanes and the east and middle lanes in Jianyeli, after all parties have discussed it, it is decided to divide Jianyeli into two areas for protection and renovation: the west lane is "completely preserved" according to the original historical appearance, and the east and middle lanes make it "repair and rebuild".

Before and After

Before and After


After the refurbishment, the West Lane was added with modern ventilation systems and other facilities, and it was used as a guest room in the Capella Hotel. The middle and east lanes have been renovated and rebuilt on the basis of restoring the historical style as much as possible. They are now long-term rental apartments managed by Capella. Today, Jianyeli is the only Shikumen-style hotel and apartment designed in the center of Shanghai.


As a living building, comfort, safety and health are the basic requirements of people for living buildings. But for different times, people's requirements are different. Therefore, we need to meet people's requirements for modern life in terms of space, ventilation, transportation, security, kitchen and bathroom, etc., and we also need to meet the requirements of current regulations to solve problems such as parking, fire protection, earthquake resistance, energy saving, barrier-free, and environmental protection. Difficult parking is a common problem in all Lilong buildings. The lanes full of cars pose a relatively large safety hazard to fire rescue and life rescue. Therefore, the use of underground space was raised when the eastern area was rebuilt. A two-story basement was added under the original building, and a total of 114 parking lots were installed. The entrance and exit of the garage are set in the main lane square to minimize the impact on the facade and the environment.


The east and middle lanes of Jianyeli are connected by cross-street buildings from east to west, and north and south are connected by arch coupons. The total length of east-west and north-south buildings exceeds 100 meters. Seismic joints are required to meet the seismic code. After repeated research with the co-consultant, it was finally decided to use the structure of the composite wall at the cross-street building to transfer the seam to the side wall to reduce the impact on the facade and restore the original historical appearance as much as possible.


The only modern building in this project, which is also a landmark building, is the steel structure water tower on the Main Lane Plaza. It does not currently have the function of a water tower although it is called water tower, but rather sightseeing, lighting and signal service facilities. It is called a water tower because historical photos show that there was a water tower at the beginning of the construction, but it was not demolished until the 1960s and 1970s. The reconstructed water tower serves as the commanding height of the entire building. A modern metal tower sits on a base made of red bricks. It combines multiple different historical stages to create a rich space of time and space phenomena. This is also a sign to the development of Shikumen architecture in the modern era.


The traditional layout of the project still follows the planning form of “outer shops and inner houses” of Shanghai’s lane houses, that is, the overall structure of “street retails, inner houses”. In addition to the commercial value drive, the surrounding shops are also practical. This guarantees the quietness and safety of life inside the Lilong.


Portman played an important role in the design and implementation of the project, and the most critical point of the design was to maintain the regional sense of this important cultural and historical building while meeting its modern use needs to improve the quality of community life. After 15 years, Jianyeli finally showed itself to the world with a "new" appearance at the end of 2017. The "secret garden" in this city has achieved a new era in old times.


Real Scene:


Le Comptoir de Pierre Gagnaire

Hotel Interior





Project Information

Project Name: Jian Ye Li

Project Location: Shanghai

Floor Area: 42,420 sqm


设计单位:Portman Architects 波特曼建筑设计事务所




Architectural Planning

Designer: Portman Architects

Principal: Jack Portman

Cycle of Design: 5 years

Date of Completion: 2017.09


第六届CREDAWARD地产设计大奖·中国 城市再生项目 金奖

Project Honors

6TH CREDAWARD Gold Award - Urban Regeneration

















4、投稿方式:图文打包命名为 公司名+项目名+日期,发送至邮箱ur.china@zamchina.com

Long-term ContributionⅠ、Contributors: real estate developer; domestic and overseas design company; domestic and overseas architecture, landscape and interior association and academy; domestic and overseas design media and etc.Ⅱ、Content: domestic and overseas regeneration projectsⅢ、Requirement: The details of project in Chinese and English, including design illustration, owner, design company, design team profile, project scale, project location, project cycle, completion time and etc; The brief introduction of project is no more than 200 characters in Chinese, 600 words in English; The realistic pictures of project are no less than 10.Ⅳ、Contribution Method: All the material and graphic are packaged into a Zip file; The Zip file is to be named in company name+project name+sending date; Send the Zip to ur.china@zamchina.com






